Tuesday, March 29, 2016

February 27, 2016

Hello lovelies!

I just want to apologize for last weeks emails and how chaotic it might have seemed! I was sort of rushed because the internet shut down and for like two hours we were trying to figure out how to fix everything. I was getting real worried. Everyone was freaking out and we didn't know what to do. I said a little prayer asking for Heavenly Father's help and like 15 minutes later this Sister came into the room and said she figured out how to fix the problem. It doesn't matter how stupid something may seem...never be afraid to ask Heavenly Father for assistance. He wants to help you. as for the rest of Saturday we went to the temple where the moment the lights turned out in the session i started to fall asleep. Every time my head bobbed I just pretended that I was stretching my neck. Hahahaha! 


We had a lovely sacrament meeting and my favorite quote from the speaker was this: "I may not be there yet, but I am better than I was yesterday." My companions and I got to teach the lesson in Relief Society which was about Repentance. All I can say is Alma 26:22 <3 Do you all remember what happens on Sunday? CHOIR!!! And we are singing my favorite Primary song! A Child's Prayer, but with a heart tuggin' twist. With actual CHILDREN! Ahhhhh! 


Sooooo I got a new companion! What?! She was in the district that just left today, but because she got pneumonia last week the Doctor said she has to stay an extra two weeks. And since I'm a solo mish they put her with me. I love her! She was my Sister Training Leader. Her name is Hermana Doxey and she is from Lindon, UT. She has been called to serve in the Argentina Buenos Aires North Mission. She is seriously the sweetest and super smart too! I am already learning so much from her!



Sister Rosemary M. Wixom was our speaker. The spirit was incredibly strong today! Like I seriously can't even believe it!! We sang all songs from the Primary Hymnbook and the best thing of the night was when she had us all sing I Belong to the Church of Jesus Christ. I was bawling hardcore. I love this church and being a member of this church.


Hermana Doxey and i went to the Clinic today to get an x-ray to see if she is cleared to go and...SHE'S GOING ON A MISSION!! We have to wait until Friday though to know if she can leave earlier or if she has to wait until March 7. We had this awesome experience in class today with Hermana Avila where she had all of us listen to the spirit and not be afraid of silence. It was the coolest thing EVER!! The spirit was so strong. Like the moment I looked at Elder Diaz i started crying. We were to work together and ask each other questions. I started crying because i could feel just how much God loves him and all of us.


We got to share a lesson with two sets of members today which was awesome! Our lesson was on Hope and the atonement. They had some great responses to our questions and such powerful testimonies. We also got to experience some coaching with our teachers Hermana Avila and our new teacher Hermano Ah Sue. He is one of our new teachers because Hermano Byers is gonna go off and be a father! Grrr... Hahaha! We are so excited for him! Anyway, with my investigator Sergio he believes in pretty much everything except for prayer. He says that prayer needs to be at least 3 hours long in order for it to be excepting to God...Sigh....So I was working with Hermano Ah Sue and I asked him what he would to in that situation. He then said use the father analogy. That means ask Sergio, "If you could only talk with your dad for 5 minutes don't you think he would appreciate that just as much as if could for 3 hours?"


BEST DAY EVER! The spirit has been so strong today! Our lesson with Sergio was exceptional! He is understanding and seeing why this gospel is important in his life! I told him the Father Analogy and he said, "But that's the thing! God knows I have more time than just 5 minutes..." So in return I said,"What if we are keeping him in our hearts and minds throughout the entire day? Because in doing so we would always have a prayer in our heart. I then asked after we shared Alma 37:6, "Don't you think that reading the scriptures, praying, getting baptized, and even going to church are ways to show the Lord that we are making time for him?" He felt the spirit! He even prayed!!! Hermana Doxey and I were even asking each others questions that we were thinking about! My man HG was totally there and I just felt so much love!!

I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week! I invite you all to read a general conference talk once a day this week. I have grown to learn just how important they are! 

Con mucho amor,

Hermana Arevalo (:
 Picture 1: The original 4 Square kings!
 Picture 2: Hermana Doxey and I

Picture 3: Our Zone wore polka dots.

Our last day with Hermano Byers! We love him and will surely miss him!

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